This is EstyMate - a tool for tracking accuracy of predictions made by you and your community.
Users submit predictions on questions. Once the answer is known, those who predicted the result correctly are given points.
After users have built a track record, you can see who is the better predictor and, perhaps, to trust more in the future.
Additionally, we combine the answers of all users into a single estymate - a best guess for the question.
I am currently piloting this with selected groups, new features are added every day and things may not work 100% of the time. Please, bear with me. If you would like to offer feedback, help or emotional support - ping me.
For the time being EstyMate is run by my lonesome self. I am currently looking for joiners for this project. If you have any further questions you can find me on discord , reddit or twitter .
My name is Marian Andrecki. I am based in London, have a PhD in AI and a feeling that some of our institutions are far from optimal. In particular, we have seen the trust in experts (and academia) erode in the recent years. To know which theories to trust, we need better signals than the number of Twitter followers, citations or establishment support.